He'll question why they're there, and players should respond by choosing 'Let's just listen to him, figure out what he's up to, and get out.' More points can be gained by conversing with Thomas Hildern in Camp McCarren, agreeing with Gannon’s suggestion to divert power to Freeside during 'That Lucky Old Sun' quest and siding with Tom Anderson during the quest 'The White Wash.' These points can most easily be gained by traveling to locations like the Crashed Vertibird, the Silver Rush in Freeside, the REPCONN Headquarters building and The Fort. Players must earn roughly five points either by going to places that trigger positive memories of the Enclave, flattering him, doing smart things or helping out the Followers. Arcade keeps a running tally of trust 'points' the player character has earned by doing things he likes. Toinitiate his quest, players will need to gain his trust and have progressed through the main story enough that they're working to help one of the main factions with winning the final battle.
Like Craig Boone, Gannon won't tolerate players that help or support the Legion, so choosing a Legion playthrough isn't advised with him in your party. To recruit Gannon to your party, players must either gain a high reputation with the Followers by completing some of their quests, have a Speech skill of 75, have the Confirmed Bachelor Perk or an Intelligence of three or lower (in which case he takes pity on you).